Open enrollment Year 2018/2019

Registration for the 2018-2019 school year is open in our Specialized Childcare Center for children with autism.   Admission requirements: Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other developmental disabilities, ages 2 to 8 upon arrival at OVA.  ...

OVA Switzerland in Blue

Did you know that? The first World Autism Awareness Day was declared on April 2, 2008 by the United Nations. April 2 is now Autism Awareness Day with BLUE as the representative color. April is often associated with Autism as well. In this time of autism awareness, we...

67% Voting Choice – CEIU Donation

Active in La Côte, the Société Electrique Intercommunale de La Côte (SEIC) offers energy, multimedia and installation services to individuals, companies and communities. This human-sized company, founded in 1899, with high productivity and efficiency, is close to its...