OVA Autisme Suisse Association

OVA Autisme Suisse is a non-profit association with a charity status granted by the Canton. However, it receives no subsidies. Its center located in Gland is specialized in the behavioral, developmental and individualized care of children from 2 to 8 years old with autism spectrum disorders.


Our missions: 

  • Extra-curricularum care for children by trained professionals
  • Family and caregiver support: Information, coaching and training
  • Training and supervision of professionals
OVA Autism Association Switzerland

The OVA center in Gland

Based in Gland, Switzerland, our team of trained professionals helps children with autism to have a better future by providing ABA/ESDM care.

The center provides educational material and ressources adapted to each child, not always accessible for families due to its cost and specificity.

Our team works with the child on a daily basis, supervised by two BCBA certified psychologists.

The operation of the center and the professional practice of the entire team are governed by the OVA ethical charter and the code of ethics of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board.

Our customized support

An adapted care

Extracurricular care, based on the needs of the child with ASD, between 2 and 8 years old at the beginning of his/her therapy.

Personalized path

The child’s interests guide the sessions, attempts to communicate and participate in activities are reinforced, and acquired skills are continually challenged in order to maintain them.

Parental guidance

The goal is to train/inform parents and caregivers to apply protocols and procedures based on the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA).


Our training courses

Whether you are a parent, caregiver or professional, OVA offers a variety of training and supervision (Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Behavior Analysis – ABA, BCBA, BCaBA, RBT, Master ABA)


Our history

OVA was born in 2004 on the initiative of a few families of children with ASD. Faced with a lack of appropriate care and trained professionals, they have gone abroad in search of effective interventions with a scientific basis.


Birth of the non-profit association OVA on the initiative of some families of children with autism. They discovered ABA in Canada


Creation of a center for care and training in ABA in Gland (canton of Vaud).


OVA has a charity status granted by the Canton. However, the center does not receive any subsidies.Only donations and parents' participation allow its functioning


Development of care with the ESDM.


Launch of the Master in ABA in partnership with ESM and ABA Switzerland.