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We welcome volunteer interns all year round!

We welcome volunteer interns all year round!

ABA Awareness Seminar (Play Skills – Language Development) – MODIFIED DATES

by | Dec 18, 2017

On September 22-23, 2018 OVA is offering a weekend of awareness of ABA and evidence-based intervention strategies for accompanying children, adolescents with autism spectrum disorders or other pervasive developmental disorders.

The seminar is taught by a Psychologist, BCBA Certified Behavior Analyst.

It is open to any person, parent, professional, wishing to acquire knowledge in the areas described below.

Training content – Module 2: Teaching an Alternative Communication Method
Many people with disabilities do not have a means of communication to express their needs. This frustration to be understood can lead to and maintain behavioral difficulties.

1. Behavioral analysis – a reminder
2. What is an alternative means of communication?
3. Choose an appropriate means of communication
4. The different types of requests
5. Take the data to ensure the effectiveness of the strategies put in place

Objective: To learn the basics of teaching a suitable medium.


Training content: Module 3: Developing New Skills Autonomy, self-management and leisure

1. Identify the skills required before starting to work on autonomy
2. Strategies for teaching self-management skills
3. Life Skills Teaching Strategies and Prerequisites
4. Teaching play skills


  • Identify the person’s current needs in terms of autonomy, self-management and leisure
  • Become familiar with effective strategies for teaching skills
    o autonomy
    o self-management
    o leisure time


Role plays, exercises and video examples will be used during this seminar.

It is recommended that you have some knowledge of behavioral analysis or have completed Module 1 prior to

these trainings.

For more information on the November session, please see the attached flyer.